Impact Of Social Media On Society

This essay will focus on the social media’s impact on society. Social networking sites allow people to share their experiences and ideas. It allows people from all walks of the globe to come together and form a global community that can hear each other. There are some positives to social media. However, these negatives can make it a corrosive tool for the’real’ community. The online world is different from the real-world in that you can create your own persona. You have the option to be different. This difference affects you as an individual and your community. Like how novelists make fantasy worlds out of books, so can people create their own fantasy universes on social media. This allows them to feel content and secure. Human nature is to feel happier when people are applauded or praised. This can lead to an addictive behavior where people become motivated to do what they like in search of approval. Recent social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others have been created. These sites can be detrimental to’real” communities because they impact social/medical problems, productivity and motivation.

Social networking sites can cause social/medical problems that can harm real communities. Cyberbullying refers the use or attempted use of technology to bully another person. This is usually done via intimidating or threatening messages. Sometimes, simple comments or texts can be misinterpreted. Anonymity is a key feature of the internet. It encourages users to speak freely and to be anonymous. The response to comments is a flood of responses, each one exposing the other. This information is easily shared and invited to other people. Social networking sites allow people to connect, share ideas and unite. Now, people can unite in hate, sharing, and exposing their weaknesses. Cyberbullying is more effective than bullying which usually happens between a few people. It involves everyone who has seen it. This makes it easier for victims to feel depressed, traumatized, or worse, even suicide.

Social networking sites can lead to excessive time spent on the internet. They offer an amazing never-ending feed and allow for instant communication. It can become an addiction if social media use is disruptive to school, work, and family relationships. Internet addiction can be linked to depression, self harm, obesity, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption, as well as other addictions.

Exercising too much time online can lead to sleep deprivation. According to some studies, electronic devices can disrupt the circadian rhythms and delay the release melatonin. Teens should sleep for at least 9 hours per night. However, people who sleep less than 6 hours per night could be considered sleep deprivation. Although they share some symptoms, sleep deprivation and internet addiction are linked. Because they are unable to work at their maximum capacity, sleep-deprived adolescents may also have poor school performance. This holds true for adults as well. People feel less productive and less motivated to complete tasks, which can lead to a decrease in productivity.

Recent social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are now available. Because they can cause harm to’real’ communities, such as social/medical problems, unfulfillment in life (productivity), or lack of motivation to work, these websites are harmful. People naturally seek dominance. You don’t have the ability to physically dominate online, but this motivates people to do good deeds for others. Because there are no physical consequences, they feel secure in their electronic devices. Internet addiction can have the same symptoms as other addictions, posing a risk to society’s health. Sleep deprivation is the most prevalent problem with internet addiction. This can lead to greater health problems, poor performance at school, work, and other issues. Although social networking sites can be beneficial for society, there are also negative aspects. People find it easier to hide behind screens or be anonymous than to confront real life situations. Social networking websites increase anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, and self-harmful behaviors.

Social media has changed the way humans interact with each other completely, concluding that social media is a major change. Social media now includes sharing photos and stories. It also includes using apps to communicate with others. While Myspace, Friendster and other social media platforms were available in 2003, this form of social networking was not widely used. Although Facebook was launched shortly after, it was not made available to the public until 2006. Today, however Facebook is the most popular social networking site. These networks offer many benefits including the ability to stay in touch with your friends, make new friends around the globe, and provide academic benefits. You may also experience identity theft, bullying online, social isolation, and decreased social interaction.

Cited sources

Amedie, J. (2015). The social media’s impact on society. (

Akram, W., & Kumar, R. (2017). An investigation into the positive and harmful effects of social networking on society. The International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering published a study in its fifth volume, tenth issue, which explored the topic in-depth and presented findings in a four-page article. (10.26438/ijcse/v5i10.351354)

Mehraj, H. K., Bhat, A. N., & Mehraj, H. R. (2014). The sociological perspective of the media’s impact on society. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention recently published a paper describing the findings of a study on a particular topic. The paper, which was published in volume 3, issue 6, outlines the results of the study and offers some conclusions and recommendations. The paper consists of eight pages, with the main points being discussed within the first four pages, followed by four pages of supplementary material. (

Clarke-Pearson K., & Council on Communications and Media O’Keeffe G. S. (2011). Social media and its impact on children, teens, and their families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804. (

Pulido, C. M., Redondo-Sama, G., Sorde-Marti, T., & Flecha, R. (2018). Social impact on social media: An innovative method to evaluate research’s social impacts. PloS One, 13(8). e0203117. (


  • valentinomcintyre

    Valentino McIntyre is a 39-year-old blogger and schoolteacher from the United States. He is a dedicated father and husband and has been married to his wife for over 10 years. Valentino has a vast amount of experience in the education field, having worked as a teacher for over 15 years. He is a prolific writer and has been blogging for over 10 years. His blog is a source of information and inspiration for parents and educators.